🐾The Search for the Holy Grail of Medicine

The Yelp That Changed Our Lives, Wacky Animal Laws👮, 🦠Probiotic Spotlight🦠

Welcome to the Posh Paws Newsletter!

What you can find in this edition:

  • Wacky Animal Laws Quiz

  • The Search for the Holy Grail of Medicine

  • Supplement Showcase: Probiotics

  • Behind The Scenes: The Yelp

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Quiz of the Week:  


Did you know about these laws?

  • Alaska: In Fairbanks, it’s illegal to give alcoholic beverages to a moose.

  • France: It’s illegal to name your pig "Napoleon," out of respect for the famous historical figure.

  • Oklahoma: It’s illegal to have a donkey sleep in a bathtub after 7 PM.

    Click the picture or the QUIZ BUTTON below to see if you can identify some fake laws!

    Test Your Knowledge About Weird and Funny Animal Laws!

Modern Medicine:

It’s the Holy Grail of Medicine

The promise of a longer life.

Easy, safe, and in a convenient once a day pill.   

A drug company, Loyal, is starting trials for a drug that will increase lifespan in dogs, by improving metabolic health. It hopes to be granted conditional approval by the FDA in 2025. 

What is Metabolic Health and Why Does It Matter?

Metabolic health involves how well your body manages blood sugar, insulin levels, fat, and hormones. As we and our dogs get older, our metabolic health often declines, which can lead to health issues like diabetes, cognitive decline and cancer. 

What’s Metabolic Dysfunction?

Metabolic dysfunction is not a single disease but a collection of problems related to metabolism. It includes issues like insulin resistance (where your body doesn’t use insulin effectively), fat distribution problems, and hormone imbalances. 

How Does It Affect Dogs?

Just like in humans, poor metabolic health in dogs can lead to many diseases:

  • Diabetes Mellitus: Insulin resistance is a key factor in the development of Type 2 diabetes in dogs, leading to high blood sugar levels.

  • Obesity: Dogs with insulin resistance often struggle with obesity, which can further exacerbate insulin resistance and lead to other health issues.

  • Hyperlipidemia: Insulin resistance can cause elevated levels of fats (lipids) in the blood, which increases the risk of pancreatitis and other cardiovascular issues.

  • Pancreatitis: Chronic high blood lipid levels due to insulin resistance can inflame the pancreas, leading to pancreatitis.

  • Hypothyroidism: Metabolic syndrome can contribute to hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones, further complicating insulin resistance.

  • Hepatic Lipidosis: Fat accumulation in the liver, often due to insulin resistance, can lead to liver dysfunction and other related issues.

  • Cognitive Decline: High blood sugar levels and poor insulin sensitivity can lead to inflammation, oxidative stress, and reduced glucose metabolism in the brain, contributing to cognitive decline, similar to  Alzheimer's disease in humans.

  • Cancer: The link between insulin resistance and cancer is well known in humans. The evidence in dogs is suggestive but not fully proven.

What Causes Metabolic Dysfunction?

Insulin Resistance:

Insulin is a hormone, produced in the pancreas, that distributes energy in the body. It moves energy, in the form of blood sugar (glucose), into the cells. When there is excess energy, it stores that energy as fat. 

In insulin resistance, the body's cells (such as muscle, fat, and liver cells) do not respond well to insulin, a hormone that helps glucose (sugar) enter the cells for energy. As a result, glucose remains in the bloodstream, leading to higher blood sugar levels. The pancreas tries to compensate by producing and releasing more insulin. This creates a cycle where blood sugar remains high, and the body continues to produce more insulin, but the insulin becomes less effective over time.

What’s so bad about chronically high insulin? 

  • Weight Gain 

  • Heart Disease: Chronically high insulin levels contribute to high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, and inflammation, all of which raise the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Pancreas Burnout: Over time, the pancreas may become overworked and lose its ability to produce sufficient insulin, leading to Type 2 diabetes in humans or diabetes mellitus in dogs.

  • Hormonal Imbalances: High insulin levels can disrupt other hormones, worsening metabolic dysfunction and potentially leading to conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in people.

What other Factors Contribute to Metabolic Dysfunction? 

  • Breed Predisposition: Certain dog breeds are more prone to insulin resistance and diabetes, suggesting a genetic component. For example, Labrador Retrievers and Beagles are known to be at higher risk for obesity and related metabolic disorders.

  • Obesity Leading to Adipose Tissue Dysfunction and Chronic Inflammation: Excess body fat, especially fat around internal organs, releases various substances that can impair insulin signaling in muscle and fat cells, leading to insulin resistance.

  • Hormonal Imbalances like Cushing’s Disease (Hyperadrenocorticism) and Hypothyroidism 

  • High-Carbohydrate Diets: High-carb diets and too many calories can cause weight gain and make insulin resistance worse. This has been proven in people and is believed to be true for dogs, although more research is needed.

  • Lack of Physical Fitness, leading to Reduced Muscle Mass and Poor Circulation

  • Chronic Stress: Prolonged stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, which can interfere with insulin action and contribute to insulin resistance.

  • Natural Aging Processes: While age itself is a factor, it is not the sole cause of insulin resistance. Aging can lead to decreased muscle mass and changes in fat distribution, which can impact insulin sensitivity. However, these changes are often compounded by other factors such as weight gain and decreased physical activity.

 Research has shown that improving metabolic health can extend a dog's lifespan, and people too! 

So, how do we do this? 

It is always far easier to prevent a problem than to fix it! 

Prevention includes:

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight

  • Regular Exercise

  • Routine Veterinary Care to catch problems early

  • Nutritional Supplements: Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Probiotics 

  • Stress Management

  • Medication Review: If your dog is on long-term medications like corticosteroids, consult with your vet about the risks of insulin resistance and explore alternative treatments if possible.

But what if your dog already has metabolic dysfunction? 

Current treatments focus on weight loss through diet and exercise, optimal nutrition, supplements, as well as monitoring for and treating related diseases like hypothyroidism. One study in Labrador Retrievers, that I discussed in the last newsletter, showed that diet restriction in dogs led to almost 2 years longer life, likely through improving metabolic health. 

Just like in people, there is no magic bullet. Lifestyle changes are hard, and sticking to them even harder.

But what if it could be easier?

Advances in Modern Medicine: 

One company is working toward making the prevention and treatment  for metabolic dysfunction easier. Loyal is now beginning FDA trials in the US for a new drug they call LOY-002. They are testing the drug in 1000 senior dogs all over the US. They hope to have conditional FDA approval by 2025 and start selling the drug. 

The information they are giving on the Loyal website is limited, as they are not yet willing to reveal the exact drug or mode of action, for fear that competitors will rush in and produce a similar drug. They state the drug is thought to improve “metabolic fitness and extend the number of healthy years your dog lives”. 

This is a really attractive proposition, but it almost sounds too good to be true. 

The factors contributing to metabolic dysfunction are complex. Is it possible for a single drug, that perhaps only affects one pathway, to significantly affect this complex syndrome? I am very interested in the outcome of this study and I think there is potential for some great benefits. 

One interesting quote from the Loyal website discusses the Labrador lifespan study: “While caloric restriction itself is not a practical way to extend lifespan in pet dogs, this study showed that improving metabolic health can have a direct and significant impact on lifespan in dogs. We believe drugs will be a more targeted and pragmatic approach to achieving similar benefits.”

I disagree that caloric restriction is not practical. I think it is certainly possible to feed dogs to a lean body condition, or to feed less and exercise more if they are overweight.

I think drugs and drug companies have made amazing and life altering advances over the last century, but they make money from drugs, not healthy lifestyle changes. 

Good nutrition, lean body condition and lots of exercise are always going to be reliable choices when helping our pets to live healthier and longer.  

Added bonus? Walking a dog is good for us too! 

It is very exciting to think of the potential for a medication that could work alongside the healthy lifestyle to keep our pets with us longer. I am eagerly awaiting results of the trial and will update readers with any news!

A teaser for a future article… Loyal is also testing a longevity drug that works in a different way- designed specifically for large breed dogs.

Supplement Spotlight: Probiotics

Guts, Bugs, Pets… and Brains?

Google searches for dog probiotics are up over 91% in the last 5 years and videos about pet probiotics and videos mentioning the product have over 386 million views on TikTok.  

A little background first…

What is a Microbiome?

The microbiome is a community of trillions of tiny organisms living inside and on your pet (and you too!), especially in their gut. 

These microbes help with:

 Digestion: The microbes break down and ferment food that your pet can’t digest on their own, especially fibers and complex carbs. This process produces short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), like butyrate, which provide energy to the cells lining the gut and help maintain a healthy digestive system.

Immune System Support: The gut microbes interact with the immune system by teaching it to recognize harmful invaders and prevent unnecessary inflammation. A balanced microbiome helps the immune system stay strong and responsive, reducing the risk of infections and chronic conditions.

Mood and Behavior: The gut is often called the “second brain” because it’s connected to the brain through the gut-brain axis. Microbes in the gut produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, which influence mood. A healthy microbiome can reduce stress and anxiety in pets by keeping this communication smooth.


Prebiotics are the food that these good bacteria need to thrive.


They are non-digestible food components (dietary fibers) that are fermented by intestinal bacteria. The most common are fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and inulin. They are derived from many foods like chicory root, leeks, and garlic but can also be bought in an over the counter formula like Metamucil Clear and Natural (inulin from chicory root) and Benefiber (FOS). Many pet foods also contain prebiotics. 

Potential Uses For Probiotics in Dogs and Cats:

  • Gastrointestinal Health: Probiotics may shorten the duration of acute diarrhea in pets, decrease problems associated with antibiotic administration, and help to manage chronic diarrhea or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

  • Dental Health: Some probiotics have shown promise in reducing dental plaque and gingivitis in dogs.

  • Chronic Kidney Disease: Probiotics may help manage  in dogs and cats with chronic kidney disease.

  • Skin Allergies (Canine Atopic Dermatitis (AD): Probiotics may help manage symptoms in dogs with AD, though results are mixed.

  • Managing Stress and Behavior

What??? How can microbes in the gut affect stress, behavior and mood? 

The Gut-Brain Axis:

 A communication network that links the gut and the brain, allowing them to influence each other's functions.

The microbiome can affect the brain in several ways:

  1. Neurotransmitter Production: Some gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA, which regulate mood and anxiety.

  2. Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Signals from the gut microbiota can travel to the brain via the vagus nerve, impacting brain activity and behavior.

  3. Immune System Interaction: Gut microbes influence the immune system, which can affect brain health by regulating inflammation.

  4. Metabolite Production: Microbes produce short-chain fatty acids and other metabolites that cross the blood-brain barrier, influencing brain function and mood.

  5. Preventing “leaky gut" that can lead to systemic inflammation and stress-related behaviors.


One key probiotic for this purpose is Bifidobacterium longum (BL999), used in Purina ProPlan Calming Supplement for dogs and cats.

These probiotics can be particularly beneficial for pets dealing with:

  • Separation anxiety

  • Noise phobias, such as fear of thunderstorms or fireworks

  • Stressful situations like vet visits, travel, or new environments

Probiotics are measured in colony forming units, or CFUs. The current recommendation for dogs is 1-10 billion CFUs a day. Probiotics are safe and only a concern in severely immunocompromised patients. 

Veterinary products: 

  • Purina Fortiflora - one strain- Enterococcus faecium, Fortiflora Pro Synbiotic also has a prebiotic 

  • Purina ProPlan Calming Care Supplement- BL999 strain for anxiety

  • Nutramax Proviable and Proviable Forte- seven strains of bacteria and two prebiotics 

  • Azodyl by Vetoquinol- for pre and probiotic for kidney disease

If you're wondering whether a probiotic and prebiotic might benefit your pet, be sure to check with your vet.

Behind the Scenes:

This Thought Flashes in My Mind Every Time My Dog Yelps in the Forest:

It started with a yelp. 

He was running down to bark at someone at the gate. He yelped. Then I heard my husband call me, worry and confusion in his voice. As I came over, I could see that my Beagle cross dog wasn’t using his back legs very well. 

Fifteen years of veterinary experience told me in a fraction of a second what was wrong. I went cold with dread.

It took a few seconds for the pet owner in me to get over the denial and accept that this was really happening. My athletic 6 year old much-loved pet’s life would never be the same. 

Huckleberry had suddenly developed partial paralysis in his hind legs, most likely due to intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). This condition happens when the cushiony discs between the bones in the spine start to break down because of genetics. Over time, the discs can weaken, rupture, and press on the spinal cord. Sometimes this happens gradually, but it can also occur suddenly and severely. It is painful, in all cases.

The consequences vary from only chronic pain, all the way to total paralysis. Worst case scenario is an injury to the spinal cord so severe that it essentially causes death to the cells of the spinal cord. There is no treatment for that.

At the beginning it is impossible to tell how extensive the damage is. 

First step: Stay calm and positive for my husband and two young boys. I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse, but as a veterinarian, we don´t allow ourselves to lose control, even when it’s our own pet. Maybe especially when it’s our own pet, and our family is looking to us for reassurance and a solution. 

But I have years of practice packing up and putting away hard feelings into little dark corners when I needed to appear calm and professional.

There will be time to cry later, when his future isn’t riding on my experience and decisions. 

Second Step: X Rays of his back, and pain control. 

Sure enough, I see evidence on the radiograph that he has abnormal disc material in the area where his spinal cord is. But an X Ray can’t tell me the extent of the damage. No diagnostic test will tell me if his paralysis will worsen or get better. 

Some dogs with paralysis from IVDD will recover most function without surgery. Some will have chronic pain. Some will never recover any function, surgery or not. 

Huckle was able to stand, and walk with some support but the next morning we could see that the weakness in his back legs was worse. 

We made the decision then.

We wanted the best chance for a full and comfortable recovery. That chance was a spinal decompression surgery with a neurosurgeon. The specialist was in Vancouver, a ferry ride and drive away. The whole family jumped in the car and we arrived around midnight at the Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital to admit Huckle to the hospital. It was the beginning of the pandemic and we had to leave him in the parking lot and say goodbye. That was harder than you might imagine.

Overnight, the emergency doctors did his routing pre-surgery workup, to make sure he was in good shape to have anesthesia. 

He was scheduled to undergo anesthesia in the morning, for a CT Scan to assess the extent of the compression on his spinal cord. We spoke on the phone to Dr. Peter Gordon, the neurologist at the Vet Hospital before the anesthesia. Today was his day off, he said, but he was here for Huckle.

 That´s vets. 

The scan showed bleeding in the area of the disc rupture, likely from a fast and hard hit to the spinal cord. The bleeding may have stopped already but it was not possible to tell from the scan. There was some disc material pushing on the spinal cord. Perhaps he’d improve without surgery, perhaps not. 

I asked, “What’s his best chance at a full recovery?”

“Surgery, but there is no guarantee he will recover any function. And the bad news? He has 5 other sites of degenerated discs that have not prolapsed. Yet.”

Accepting the surgery meant accepting thousands in costs, months of supportive care and rehabilitation, no guarantee of any sort of success, and a high risk of it occurring again. 

We wanted the chance for him. The best chance.

The surgery went well, the bleeding was stopped, and the disc material was removed from the spinal canal. We brought him home a few days later. I remember hours sitting beside him, massaging his back legs and moving the joints so that he would still have good mobility if he walked again. His shaved back. His wagging tail. 

He could not walk when he first came home, so we carried him out to urinate, and supported his back end as he stood. We got a Help Em Up Harness for his back end that had handles and allowed us to support all of his weight while he learned to move his back legs again. And, as always, physiotherapy and strengthening exercises. 

We were constantly amazed by his heart, his courage, and his absolute refusal to to give up. He was patient and gentle with us, as we did our best to help him. He never stopped wagging his tail through what must have been a very scary and confusing time for him.

The Help Em Up Harness

Over weeks of improvement we gradually went for longer walks, helping him with the harness. But always inside the acreage. Sometimes we would walk by the gate and he would stop in front of it , refusing to go on unless he could go for a walk outside.

His whole life had revolved around running in the forest every day, and chasing balls on the beach. He was my long distance trail running partner.

The improvement continued for months, and we continued rehab exercises designed to teach his brain and spinal cord where his back legs were, and what they were doing, and build up strength. 

Eventually he was able to go for walks in the forest again. I spoke to the neurosurgeon to update him, and ask what Huckleberry was not allowed to do.

“Could he go off-leash again? Even in the forest? What if the running and jumping causes another disc rupture?”

The surgeon replied, “Life carries risks for all of us, every single day. Do we stop rollerblading because we might fall? We shouldn´t let risk stop us from enjoying life. I say, let him run free and live the life he loves.”

I remember his words because they were unexpected. Too often, we as vets, are compelled to give cautions advice, thinking more of the disease process perhaps, than the life of the patient and the family. I respected our surgeon´s courage to think first of the joy my pet deserves, and I thought it was a pretty darned good way to look at life.

So I let my dog run, and play with his friends. He did not recover to perfect neurological function but he walks and runs very well, and he is comfortable and happy.

He has enjoyed countless hours of fun since his injury. No more chasing the ball though! There is a little feeling of joy that comes into my heart when I see him running with his goofy hind end sway and the tip of his white tail bobbing along toward me. Every day since that first yelp four years ago has been a little gift to him, and to us. 

But when he is running, chasing a rabbit perhaps, and I can’t see him, and he yelps, my first thought is always… oh no, not again.

Every. Single. Time. 

But he goes on running and living his life to the fullest.  And I pack that worry away in another corner until the next yelp, and I go on too.

 Enjoy the gift. 

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